In 2019 I was fortunate to find myself taking photos both near and far. Below are my favorite images, 20 to be exact, that I took this past year. The photos are listed in chronological order. I had a hard enough time trimming the list down to 20 so picking a favorite would be next to impossible. Also take note that the image itself might not be the best photographically speaking, but the memory of how the photograph was taken is what matters.

Skyway Beer Run Was Bananas
February 16
Fuji XT20/XF35mm f2
This is one of those photos that might not be the most amazing images, but the story behind it and the intent is what matters. We shortened our chosen route because, well, none of us were in shape to accomplish it in the first place. These banana chips helped keep me alive. My bike, the Sutra, kept me upright. The Oveja Negra Snack Pack was full of snacks that kept my legs moving. And the dirt roads were memorable and fantastic.

Firetower Stairway
February 25
Fuji XT20/XF35mm f2
This photograph came from a “Monday Adventure” with Eleanor. We went for a hike at the Smith Mountain Firetower, with hopes for a decent sunset. The sunset didn’t quite pan out. But on my way down I noticed how interesting the repeated shapes of the stairway had. Blue hour light makes the colors interesting. Holding the camera at arms distance over the edge was both tiring and nerve-wracking.

Parker Creek Falls
April 14
Fuji XT20/XF18-55mm f2.8-4
This photograph was taken while going out on a photo-hike with my buddy Jim. You can read more about the trip in the blog post here. What I love about this image is that its one of the first Landscape photographs I have taken where I felt like I knew what I was doing. As my previous experience lays primarily as an event, wedding and portrait photographer, landscape was one of the things I really wanted to work on for 2019. Bankhead National Forest is somewhere I need to get back to very soon.

Streaks of Spring Leaves
April 22
Fuji XT20/XF18-55mm f2.8-4
Another “Monday Adventure” with the Nug, hiking at the Lake Martin Dam. I set out mid day to try and get some exercise as well as experiment with some other photographic techniques, this one is an intentional camera move. I really like the abstract quality the final image has. And truthfully, I didn’t do much in the way of post processing to it. Nothing too spectacular about the day other than it was a good hike with some fun experimentation.

Magnolia Bloom
May 10
Fuji X70
Taken on a dreary morning walk with Eleanor and Roubaix. The soft light of the gray day evened out the whites of this blossom. I’m not exactly sure what part of the flower the “match sticks” are but I found them to be extremely interesting. The magenta in contrast with the white blooms are striking. It’s also one of the few images taken with my Fuji X70. It’s a great camera, one that I’ve written an entire blog entry about, but I feel like I’m out growing it. The auto focus is less than amazing and I miss having a viewfinder every time I use it. With any luck, I will replace it with a Fuji X100 “f” or “v” very soon and my EDC camera.

Employment Opportunities
June 25
Fuji XT20/XF16mm f2.8
This is another photograph where it might not be a portfolio piece but I enjoyed the process. My dad requested a photo of the archway. I took it a couple steps further and decided to play contrast with textures. Using a 10-stop ND filter, I was able to show motion in the clouds. That soft motion contrasted nicely with the pealing paint of the building. It’s also the first image I successfully used a 10-stop ND filter. It’s a simple thing, but using that dark of an ND filter takes some practice.

A Thunderstorm and A Cow Field
July 8
Fuji XT20/XF16mm f2.8
In addition to working on my landscape photography in 2019, I wanted to try my hand on getting some lightning photos. let me tell you this, lightning photos are HARD. They are especially during the day time. The most striking thing about this photograph, other than sitting through the front end of this storm in my truck, is how clear and blue the sky was behind the storm. The colors in this image are a good representation of what it was like in real life. I also really enjoy the halo of cloud in the top right third of the image. It looks like two hands with rain going in between them.

Amanda and the Pumptrack
July 29
Fuji XT2/XF16mm f2.8
Is there anything exceptional about this image? No not really. Does it do a good job telling the story of that afternoon? Yep you bet. The trip to Kona Bikes Dealer Launch this year was pretty special. In fact, 20% of my favorite images of 2019 came from this trip to Washington. Light is good, composition is good, subject is good. Add the fact that I won a fork for my mountain bike with this image is just icing on top.

Moody Mountain Majesty
July 31
Fuji XT2/XF55-200mm f3.5-4.8
I’m going to be honest, I’m pretty proud of this one. I love love love mountain peaks, especially ones that peak in and out of clouds. I stood at the top of Winchester Mountain in Washington looking across the way at a neighboring peak for this image. I had hopes to spend the night in the watchtower at the top of Winchester but it was already taken by a couple ladies. Instead I stayed late in the day firing off images of everything I could find. The views from the top were absolutely incredible.

Purple Mountain Majesty
July 31
Fuji XT2/XF55-200mm f3.5-4.8
Honestly this is what I imagine during that song about our great nation. I consider this a consolation prize for not being able to camp at the top of Winchester Mountain. Taken the same day as the image above, as the sun slips below the horizon. It was also pretty lazy. I set my camera up on the tripod at my campsite and randomly fired off photos as I ate my dinner. There is a lot to be said about camping in such a beautiful spot as Twin Lakes.

Rocking the Washington Coast
August 2
Fuji XT2/XF16mm f2.8
This is one of those setup images that ends up being better than the “planned” photo. My intention was to have the Milky Way just above this one rock. I took this photo to make sure my focus and composition was what I wanted before I lost all my light. The combination of stars beginning to peak through, with the last little bit of light kissing the top of the rock gives me all the feels. What did I learn from this photo? Shoot through blue hour. You might find something you really enjoy.

Big Dipper and Big Rock at Twilight
August 2
Fuji XT2/XF16mm f2.8
Same spot, same night as the previous image. What did I learn from this image? Take a minute and turn around. There might be something worth while away from what you are currently shooting. I didn’t even move my tripod from the previous photo. Just turned the camera 180 degrees. I like this photo so much its the background of my phone.

Acorn Out Back
October 7
Fuji X70
After my trip from Washington I had a little bit of a photography hangover. It was kinda sensory overload out west and when I got home I found things to be a little underwhelming. Throw on top of that oppressive heat and really dry conditions, my motivation to get out and take any meaningful photo was extremely low. This is a simple image but I love it. I love the color and composition. The lines and direction, movement throughout the photo. Sometimes simple photos of things in my backyard are my favorite.

Soggy Standard Deluxe
October 19
Fuji XT2/XF 16mm f2.8
The Standard Deluxe Dirt Road Century is one of the best events in our area. It’s a dirt road race that takes place in Waverly, Alabama. This photo tells the story of the ride in one shot. Good times, bikes, TONS of rain, and plenty of post ride beers. Good times!

Bikepacking Dinner
November 9
Fuji XT2/XF35mm f2
The fact this image pops up cracks me up. Mostly because I said aloud “these eggs do not look very appetizing”. But place them in the right light, on top of a toasted tortilla and BAM it looks delicious. Like I mentioned above, I wanted to work on storytelling with my photography and I feel this image tells a story.

Morning Lake View
November 10
Fuji XT2/XF35mm f2
Taken on this years James Bros Bikepacking Weekend, the morning after the image above. I noticed this scene after making my way to the bath house for my morning routine. I had already taken a few moody photos that morning in the fog but this was something I couldn’t miss out on. The fog blocks the shore on the other side, making this seem endless. Giving this image a dreamlike quality that ends up being one of my favorites of the year.

Riding Up Stream
November 22
Fuji XT2/XF35mm f2
I don’t often mix my “work” photos with my personal photos. And by work photos I mean pictures I use for the James Bros social media. This bike I am extremely proud of, making a lot of the choices for. The photo composition and colors fit the bikes design. All good things.

Veterans Tiger Walk
November 30
Fuji XT2/XF18-55mm f2.8-4
Falling under the theme of telling a story with my photography, this photo does that. It might not be the most creative image but sometimes creativity isn’t the point, the story is. Holding the game ball. The American flag. Dog tags. Fans giving high fives. The culmination of this years Iron Ruck was fitting for the journey and the groups mission to bring awareness to the 22 veterans that take their own life everyday.

Retirement Red Tail
December 20
Fuji XT2/XF16mm f2.8
This is called being prepared for whatever. Vanessa and I were invited to this retirement from the Alabama Air National Guard. They had a photographer for the ceremony but he disappeared and they wanted photos taken with the planes. Fortunately I had my camera. As you can see the lighting was as mixed as it could be and I didn’t have a flash. This is a bracketed image merged to HDR with some lightroom magic. I post this because everything I used to make this photo possible are things I learned o do this year. A year ago I would have had the image with a blown out tail wing and not well lit subject. Having a couple badasses to photograph with a pretty amazing machine doesn’t hurt either.

Alabama Is Flat
December 26
Fuji XT2/XF55-200mm f3.5-4.8
Last but not least, the mountains of Central Alabama. This was taken from Horseblock Mountain at a scenic overlook on 281. It’s a stiched composite of 6 images turned into a panorama. When we went to the top I knew the view would be good but I had no clue the light would work out as well. I love the depth of mountains in the distance. The colors of the sky were on point. Another culmination of what I have learned this year to create some interesting images.
So What Did I Learn?
- I’m still a work in progress
- This is 20 images of the 7,032 I took which means I take a lot of photos to make 20 favorites
- I like my primes. 7 images were with the 16mm. 5 images were with the 35mm.
- Light and location make the photo. Get there early and stay late.
What Do I Work On In 2020?
- Continue to improve my landscape photography. Focus on foreground, mid ground, and background as well as separation of my subject and the background.
- Tell a story. I feel like my storytelling got better but I can still improve. Always ask myself “what am I trying to convey with this photo?”
- Bring it all together for more adventure photography. Include more people in my images, even if it is me.
- Don’t be afraid of something not working out. Just because you did a thing doesn’t mean its good.
- Print more of my images. Get a photo printer.
- Take more trips focused on photography. Even if its overnight, having the time to stay late and get up early makes for good photos.
Thanks for following along. If you made it this far, and I hope you did, I appreciate the support. Heres to another great photography year in 2020!

And a little food for thought. This is my Top 9 on Instagram from this year. None of my favorites are the favorites of my followers. Just because I think its good doesn’t mean everyone else does.