This year the now famous James Bros Bikes Bikepacking Weekend saw a smaller, but tight knit group traverse Lee and Chambers Co. Alabama over 3 days and 2 nights, utilizing some of the best dirt roads in our area. The route is a loop that begins and ends at my work, James Bros Bikes in Opelika. One could say this is more of a bike-glamping weekend, with the option to have your gear transported from one place to another, beer provided, and breakfast prepared on site. We want the event to be approachable to anyone that might be interested in bikepacking but would otherwise be intimidated to take on a trip without support.
Day #1 of Our Trip
We had 2 groups leave out from the shop, one at 1ish and one at 5:30ish. I left with my now traditional late group, doing the entire 16 mile leg of our journey in the dark. I gotta say, riding dirt roads at night is good fun. I always wonder why I don’t do more of it, especially in the winter. As we pulled in to Chambers County Lake we were greeted by a blast from the past. Smokey and the Bandit’s big rig, cop cars and the like were all lined up for the car show the next morning. It was strange and awesome to roll up on those at night.
Arriving at the campsite we were welcomed with a warm fire, pups and the group that left before. Time to unpack, set up our tents and have a few beers before crawling into our sleeping bags for the night. Good day and good start to the trip.

Day #2 Off To West Point Lake
The next morning started off a bit chilly, but nothing compared to the temps of last year. We slowly drank coffee, at our breakfast and packed out things. One by one we made our way to the entrance of the park to use the restroom and to check out the car show. What we didn’t know is that we would be entering a world of classic cars, fair food and Christmas music. The first two are not so bad, the Christmas music was a little, uhh interesting. I did realize that I need an 01 sticker for my Sutra, now known as the General. Fueled up on eggs and fried pies (seriously amazing!), we hit the road!
The roads to West Point Lake were winding and beautiful. We followed many a dirt road but also peppered in some low traffic pavement as well. I am always blown away how you can really feel “out there” while being so close to civilization. At times it seems the country side would go on for miles, when in fact the closest town is just over the horizon.

Crossing the dam at West Point Lake is one of the highlights of the trip for me. The vast, open waters mixed with fall light and good time goggles make for such an amazing and welcome sight. As we mosey on to our campsite, rinse and repeat the cycle of unpack, setup and feed, we join our neighbors in a festive evening. Due to surgery they weren’t able to ride, but the crew came and camped all the same.

Day #3 Home Again
Rested yet feeling the soreness of the two days before creeping in, we got our day moving. Fog had settled in over the lake, making a grey and moody morning. I wandered around for a few photos before getting the coffee going. It was a quiet, beautiful morning, perfect for a duck. As the fog lifted, both from the lake and our eyes, we began packing our things for the last leg of our trip.

Our route for the day is the longest of the trip and does follow some more pavement than the other two days, but the dirt roads are some of the best on the trip. Plenty of elevation to make sure you don’t go home with any extra energy. And enough scenery to ease the pain in your legs. It’s always bitter sweet ending a trip. But it’s so nice to be able to roll out our back door and have an awesome experience. Even more proof that you don’t have to travel a long ways just to have a good time.

Thanks to the crew for joining us on this little adventure. And thanks to Eddie and Stephanie for running support on the trip, it wouldn’t be the same. See you next time!