This summer I was fortunate to be able to head to Washington State for the Kona Bikes Product Launch for the new 2020 bikes. If you have seen some of my other posts, I have been able to make the journey for this event in Squamish, BC the past couple years. The difference this year is that I tacked on a few extra days to explore the pacific north west, and let me tell you I am happy I did.

The first portion of my trip was focused on the product launch. In true Kona fashion, the event was awesome. We spent out time in Bellingham and at the Kona Headquarters in Ferndale. The coastal area is pretty interesting, especially with the mountains close by.
The only downside I would say is that it was far more urban than what the Squamish event was. It was nice to essentially stay at the hotel and ride right out the back door and experience the trails. We were constantly being carted around in old school buses in Bellingham.
After the launch I rented a truck, 4wheel drive I might add, and headed east towards the Cascade Mountains. My destination was the Twin Lakes/Winchester Mountain area. I was hoping to spend the night at the top of the mountain in the old fire lookout but since it was first come first serve it was already taken. Not to say the hike up was not worth it. AMAZING views and nice to just sit and take it all in.
I made camp at the base of the mountain, near one of the two twin lakes. The water in this lake was crystal clear. I don’t know if I have ever seen water so clear.
The next morning I was greeted with an amazing sunrise. I wandered around the base of the mountain shooting some photos of Winchester and Mt Baker off in the distance.
Once the sun was up I packed my gear up and made my way back to Bellingham to return the truck and trade for a small car. To my surprise Enterprise offered for the same price as my compact car I could keep the truck and make my way back to Seattle. Umm yeah! And it was such a great decision to keep the truck.
On the road south, I took the long way around through some of the islands off the coast. Again, great choice. My final destination was somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula so this was the best route. Coastal Washington is a very different coast than what I am use to. Rocky, rugged, rural and awesome.
This night I spent in a super cheap, kinda sketchy hotel to charge my batteries, both literally in my camera and figuratively because I was a little sleep deprived. Just before bed I made my way to Hurricane Ridge. Photos weren’t that great but it certainly lives up to its name. Wind was blowing like crazy!
The following morning I made my way deep in the Olympic National Park, stopping for a hike near Lake Crescent. This was a pretty typical rainforest Olympic National Park. Huge trees, lots of moss and ferns and plenty of water.
Hike done and I continued around the peninsula to the coast, hoping for some decent sunset and Milky Way images. I found myself at Ruby Beach. Again, coastlines are not what I am use too. Sea stacks, rocks, driftwood, and the sun setting rather than rising. I was not disappointed with both the sunset and Milky Way experience. Some of my favorite images from this trip were taken on this beach.
The one downside was that I still haven’t found a campsite. Turns out the people of Washington like to camp and they really enjoy their National Parks. I drove for hours until I finally found what I think was the last site on the whole peninsula. Set up my tent in the dark, scared my neighbors and all I could think about is the sound of the stream next to my site.
The next morning I woke to a beautiful site. The stream was amazing and I was surrounded by trees and ferns. I made my way towards Seattle to make an end to my trip. A quick pit stop with some family, dinner and an early flight.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the PNW and I hope to return soon. Plenty of areas still to explore and I think I would spend more time east in the mountains. That one night just wasn’t enough. Plus I never made it to Rainier. Till next time, take care!